
7th Grade: Why Read? Essays

Why Read? Essays.pdf

7th graders in Mrs. Vernon's, Ms. Friedman's, and Mr. Dix's Language Arts classrooms spent the first quarter studying the reasons we read in a "Why Read?" unit. Students not only spent time identifying the types of genres and books they enjoyed, but they also read articles to find evidence that explained why it is important for us to be readers. To culminate the unit, the students wrote essays explaining their findings. This e-book showcases some of the best writing examples that answered our essential question: Why Read?

6th Grade: The Three Most Important Things to Bring to Outdoor School

The 3 Most Important Things to Bring to Outdoor School.pdf

Mrs. Brown's 6th grade Humanities classes all wrote their first drafts of essays explaining to future students what they need to bring to outdoor school in the future. Some of their suggestions are tangible objects and some of them are different types of mind states.

***Note: These are unedited and unrevised first drafts***

Rowe Middle School 2017